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Pham Hai Ha



Painter Pham Ha Hai was born in 1974, in Hanoi, in a family with most members working in the field of painting. He has won many awards: Second prize in the 1997 student art exhibition; consolation prize "Young Eyes 2002" Contest; Bronze Medal at Vietnam Fine Arts Exhibition 2015; 1st prize in the contest “Folk features on Tet stamps”-2017. He had a conversation with the People's Army Newspaper at the weekend about the development of the Vietnamese fine art market.


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Open Hour: 10AM - 06PM
Thôn Hoà Xuân, Xã Hoà Sơn, Huyện KrongBong, Tỉnh DakLak, Việt Nam. 
For pre-booked appointments made via email only.
Hotline : 0916170970 
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