Dang Thi Duong

– Born: 1948, Ho Chi Minh City
– Member of Vietnam Fine Arts Association and Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Association, Master of Arts, excellent teacher
– 1989 – 2010: Lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts
– Former Head of the Intermediate School of Fine Arts and Dean of the Faculty of Basic Knowledge / University of Fine Arts, Ho Chi Minh City
– Chairman of the Women's Fine Arts Club / HCMC Fine Arts Association
– Member of the International Council of Female Artists
Domestic exhibitions
National Exhibition 1995, 2010
1996-2012: Attended many domestic exhibitions
Two-person exhibition (Dang Thi Duong – Phan Oanh) in 1996 in Paris, and in 2009, Museum of Fine Arts, Ho Chi Minh City
Exhibition abroad::
Participating in many international exhibitions: Thailand in 2004, Korea in 2006, Hong Kong festival; 1994, Paris 1996, Pusan Korea 1997, Singapore Art School 2000, Berlin 2000, Boulogne- France, 2003, Penang , 2009, with international female artists HPIC VI- Korea – 2006, HPIC VIII- 2008-China country , HPIC IX- USA 2010, Singapore , 2011, Asian painter 2012, international female artist HPIC X- VN 2012.
Regional Fine Arts Award VI , 1996, Class B Award at National Promotional Painting Exhibition 1984, , Promotional Painting Award to celebrate 300 years of Saigon-HCMC 1998, Investment prize of Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts Association, 2007 , Vietnam Women's Union in 2012
There are works collected by the Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts.