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​Boi Tran



In Hue, everyone knows about Boi Tran's palace, and the art world is no stranger to collector and painter Boi Tran. As a self-taught artist, along with the great influence of her teacher, painter Nguyen Trung, she presents works on a variety of materials, Silk, Oil Paint, or Lacquer, all showing her real painting ability. . Her paintings were in the auction of modern and contemporary Southeast Asian art at Christie's in 2010, two of Boi Tran's paintings were purchased.


With a strong and persistent passion for painting, Boi Tran has spent a lot of effort and money to pursue the work of a collector (and business) of fine art. She believes that investing in art in the long run to achieve a high level will bring super profits in both material and spiritual terms.


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Open Hour: 10AM - 06PM
Thôn Hoà Xuân, Xã Hoà Sơn, Huyện KrongBong, Tỉnh DakLak, Việt Nam. 
For pre-booked appointments made via email only.
Hotline : 0916170970 
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